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Framingham Youth Softball

Framingham Youth Softball

FYS - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?
When you register with Framingham Youth Softball, you first complete a one-time registration account for our system, then moving forward you are able to register in any programs that are available.  Online registration is available by credit or debit card through the registration link on the home page, or you can physically mail in a registration form found in the "Documents" link on the home page to pay by check.  

What are the age groupings for the league?
NOTE: ALL AGE GROUPINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE based on registration numbers of a given season.
Grades K-1 - Instructional league
Grades 2 - Intermediate league
Grades 3-4 - Junior B league
Grades 5-6 - Junior A league
Grades 7-8 - Senior league

How long does the season go?
The Spring Season will begin during later April. Opening Day/Picture Day is typically the last Sunday of April. The season runs into mid-June for all levels, typically ending by Father's Day.
The Fall Season will begin the weekend after Labor Day and typically play through the third week of October, weather permitting.  With great weather, we have played until the end of October many times.

What are the uniform requirements?
All players will be given a game shirt to keep.  It is recommended that players wear softball pants, especially as they advance through age levels.  Some players prefer leggings or shorts at the younger levels.  Coaches will work with teams on appropriate clothing for that team and level.

When are the games and practices?
All teams play at least two games per week, one on a weeknight and one on Sunday, which is true of the spring and fall seasons.  Typically, during the spring season only, Seniors will play three nights per week.  Practices are largely up to the coaches, but most teams practice also one more night per week in the spring.

Where are the games and practices?
The FYS complex are the adjoining fields on Walsh and Dunning schools, which also includes Lower Walsh and sometimes the upper grassy area near the new basketball courts at Walsh.  Most games and practices are held in the complex, and at times, Long's near Loring Arena or Hemenway field are utilized, as well as Framingham State's turf field later in the season.

How do I sign up to coach?
Simply mark on the registration form that you are interested in coaching, head or assistant.  The league is dependent upon volunteers to succeed, and even if you don't have experience coaching softball, enthusiasm and interest go a long way.  While there are many nuances, especially at he older levels, many of our coaches start off with very little experience and make a positive world of difference to our players.

What does a head coach do and what does an assistant do?
A head coach is responsible for running the team at games and practices, and communicating with the players and families throughout the season.   All coaches must fill out a CORI and have an interview with league representatives prior to being accepted as a head coach.

An assistant coach helps out at games and practices, and may take over head coaching responsibilities when the head coach cannot make it.

FYS head and assistant coaches work as a team and are expected to gel together providing common instruction, guidance, and leadership to their teams.

Which leagues have umpires?
FYS is a member of a larger organization - USA Softball.  As a result, Umpires are all USA Softball registered, and are utilized for all games at the Junior B, Junior A, and Senior levels. The instructional and intermediate leagues are game managed by the coaches who are providing constant in-game instruction.

How are teams formed?
Framingham Youth Softball strives for parity among all teams, especially where score is kept and umpires are employed.  This is less important at the Instructional and Intermediate levels as every player bats in an inning and a large emphasis of play is focused on skill building.

At Junior A, and Seniors, players are evaluated by their previous year coaches on an informative spreadsheet, looking at all areas of play, including hitting, throwing, catching, intangibles, etc.

At Instructional, Intermediate, and Junior B levels, teams are typically formed by school.  We have found that this provides greater familiarity and comfort to our youngest players.  There are occasions where we have large numbers from one school and only a couple from another.  We work to integrate them together as seamlessly as possible.

How do I find out if games are rained out?
Game cancellations can occur due to weather, or poor field playing conditions from previous weather events.  
All cancellations will be communicated in the following ways:
1.  A league wide email will go out to all families
2.  Cancellations and game status updates will be posted on the homepage of the website 
3.  Coaches typically also reach out to their teams separately providing yet another confirmation

Are rained out games made up?
The league will schedule make up games due to rain outs when possible. The division commissioner will notify the coach's of the date, time and location of all make up games. It will then be the coach's responsibility to notify their team of the same.   Every effort is made to provide makeup dates for games while still maintaining the original schedule.

Are scores and standings kept for the games?
In the younger leagues no score is kept.

In Junior B, Junior A, and Senior Leagues, scores and standings are kept throughout the season followed by a 1-2 week playoff tournament, depending on the number of teams at a given level.


Framingham Youth Softball
PO Box 5051 
Framingham, Massachusetts 01701

Email: [email protected]

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